Angelica Gonzalez, MA

Patient Care Coordinator, Medical Assistant

Angelica Gonzalez, MA

Angelica Gonzalez is the Patient Care Coordinator and a Medical Assistant in our Thornton, CO clinic. She’s a self-described “Colorado Native (go Denver Broncos).” Angelica embarked on her healthcare journey straight out of high school, starting as a Caregiver for the elderly. This initial role ignited her passion for providing top-notch care to patients, setting the stage for her career in healthcare.

Since then, Angelica’s career has flourished, encompassing diverse clinical opportunities. She transitioned from being a Certified Nurse Assistant in a home hospice setting to serving as a Medical Assistant for the Colorado Coalition for the Homeless, catering to the homeless population in the Denver area. Additionally, she has worked in various specialty clinics, broadening her expertise.

When she’s not at work, Angelica Gonzalez can be found nurturing her beloved houseplants, cultivating her garden with vibrant flowers, or venturing into the mountains. She cherishes quality time with her husband, and their fur babies (dogs), and delights in planning meals or BBQ parties with friends and family.