spruce health group


Ready to lose weight
— for good?

With a program that sticks vs. comes & goes?

Get a personalized health-care plan & team that’ll work for you & your lifestyle.

Does losing weight feel like a grind?

  • What used to work—doesn’t anymore?
  • Over-sold on programs—that didn’t deliver?
  • Hated the diet you were on—that didn’t last?
  • Never understood the root cause for my your gain?
  • Too many options & opinions—created too much uncertainty?
  • Lost motivation—since it just wasn’t working?

Yeah, we see this all the time. And fix it all the time.


How? With a health-care team—that cares. And…

With a plan combining proven & thoughtful treatments.

  • Medical Weight Loss to… Icon

    Medical Weight Loss to…

    • Reduce body fat through a program that doesn’t rely on surgery or pills
    • Weight loss plans + ongoing medical support + nutritional guidance & monitoring
  • Health Assessments to… Icon

    Health Assessments to…

    • Test & diagnose conditions, injuries & refining your plan to lose weight
    • CMAT screens the health of your body & detects the early stages of disease in arteries & nerves
    • X-rays, ultrasound, blood & urine testing, guiding what to focus on next to lose weight
  • Anti-Aging to… Icon

    Anti-Aging to…

    • Address & refine lifestyle factors to age with grace & vitality
    • Know what changes to make to eat properly, manage stress & get the right treatments
  • Vitamin Infusions to… Icon

    Vitamin Infusions to…

    • Get you the right nutrients, vitamins & minerals into your bloodstream through IV sessions
    • Feel more energetic, recover faster after exercise, have a stronger immune system & stay hydrated
  • Hormone Replacement Therapy which may… Icon

    Hormone Replacement Therapy which may…

    • Fix hormone imbalances that can mess with weight, mood, energy and general health
    • Appreciate a plan to fix hormones, boost energy and help your body manage weight naturally

In other words, are you ready to…

  • Have a team & plan with a proven approach & track record?
  • Get expert guidance from your team of health-care professionals?
  • Make healthy changes to your lifestyle with confidence?
  • Live life more fully, beyond just the weight aspect?

Ready to keep running around with all the others?

Want results like, Justina?

“Love this place, love the staff, Carla and Annie. After having my son I weighed 190, the biggest I had ever been. And I tried so many diets & exercises. But lost only a couple of pounds—& gained it right back.  I talked with Annie & we came up with a plan. I am now down to 154! Haven’t felt this good in 3 years—so thank you for helping me get back to myself!”

~ Justina T.

Ready to learn more?

  1. 1Schedule your appointment
  2. 2Get an assessment
  3. 3Determine the right plan—for you

Our plan works with Medicare & several other popular coverage plans. Learn the details in our call.