Hormone Replacement Therapy

Hormone Replacement Therapy

Get Back to You with Hormone Replacement Therapy

What is Hormone Replacement Therapy?

As the name suggests, Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) is the use of medications to replace the hormones your body is not producing. For many people, HRT is the solution to addressing low or imbalanced hormone levels. Daily, millions of people, men, and women experience the symptoms of hormone imbalance, you may be one of them.

Are you diving in and living your best life? Do you ever feel like something just isn’t right?

It could be your hormones!

Hormones and Health

Let’s talk about how hormones affect everything about your health.

Hormones play a role in most of the body’s basic functions including appetite, brain function, digestion, immune function, libido, and mood. When our hormone levels are low or imbalanced, they can have wide-ranging effects on our health and how we feel overall.

Common Symptoms of Hormone Imbalance:

  • Reduced mental focus and memory
  • Fatigue, lack of energy
  • Difficulty sleeping
  • Irritable, anxious, or depressed
  • Decreased muscle strength, joint pain
  • Reduced sexual desire and performance

Benefits of Balanced Hormones:

  • Regain energy and strength
  • Feel younger and happier
  • Increase mental clarity
  • Limit age-related illness
  • Increase ability to lose weight
  • Restore or increase sex drive

Is Hormone Replacement Therapy A Fit For You?

Spruce Health Group specializes in addressing the myriad of symptoms including reduced libido, low mood, fatigue, weight gain, and other early indicators of aging.

We work with you through precision and personalized patient care plans that seek to optimize your hormones and extend your health span. To discover more about your hormones and how restoring hormones to their optimal level may address specific health concerns, take the next step – contact us to schedule a consultation today!